Wednesday, December 19, 2012


My revelation of the week was pretty spectacular. It's about a subject people usually assume there's only on answer for: being a quitter. Most people say "Quitters never win and winners never quit" but I realized last night that this isn't the case. I was tossing and turning, having nightmares about running the cash register at work (don't ask questions you don't want to know the answers to), when finally I gave up and began to ponder the deepest questions of life like any genius in the middle of the night. I was really angry about something and was ranting to myself in my head, having the same argument I've had for months. It was about a situation where one side of me wanted to keep fighting because I felt I shouldn't give up on it while the other side of me was screaming to give up and keep moving. As I lay in bed with my angry conscience, I suddenly stopped in my thoughts and thought "Wait a minute, I'm mad about this! Like freaking furiously mad! Like I don't even care about it mad!" Why should I ever keep pressing forward with something that brings me so much anger? Why does it matter if I'm a quitter? It's possible to be a quitter for better reasons than being a fighter! As I pondered this, my conscience did a happy dance, then my moment of genius thinking was gone and I fell straight to sleep. Well, it was fun being smart for a little while.

Anyways, I learned that it really is ok to be a quitter sometimes. When I was in middle school, I fought so hard to keep a friendship together that I had had since the beginnings of elementary school, even though I knew deep down that this friendship was destroying who I was. But how could I give up on something? Isn't it bad to give up on someone that you believed in and cared about for so long? Aren't I a horrible person? It turns out it wasn't wrong to quit. I didn't quit on something because I was a heartless human being with no ambition. I quit something because I knew it was holding me back from fighting for other things. In this case, I would have ended up quite a messed up person if I hadn't decided to be a quitter. It's been the same with other things that I've quit in the past: marching band, tennis team, that freaking awful job at the BYU cafeteria, working out (ha). I didn't quit those things because I was lazy or too weak (well, maybe exercising...). I quit those things because they stood in the way of what things I was supposed to be focusing myself on and who I was supposed to become.

So it's ok to be a quitter!! In a way, you aren't really quitting anything, just moving on to the next page in life. Now don't go away from this page, striving to give up on important things, like your family, school, or showering (please freaking NO). Every person has things that they really do need to give up on in their lives and don't be afraid to =)

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